

Monday February 21st, 2022

Updated with a new version May 8th, 2023, with a more concise script that (hopefully) more clearly communicates the idea I sought to convey!

Something I’ve observed over the years that intrigues me.

This page was fairly difficult for me to write – by far the most difficult Duskbirds page so far. It was a challenge to write it in a way that was both concise, and that accurately conveyed what I was trying to say. It was also difficult to not write it in a way that didn’t come across as “preachy,” which I actively try and avoid doing (and I’m still not sure whether this version of the script succeeds in this or not).

My intent was to convey my personal experience and my thoughts around it, not to say what you or anyone should or should not do. I’m still not sure how clear this page is, and if it’s still confusing (feel free to leave feedback on where I could improve).

The script gave me such difficulty with this, that the one you see above was finalized today – May 9th, 2023 – nearly a year later after I originally published the comic in February 2022!

The original 2022 version is still on Duskbirds’ official site if you’re curious to compare the two. But I think it’s much too wordy, which I suspect made it confusing to read. Hopefully I’ve improved somewhat in my writing since last year!

Original is below in the full post if you’d like to compare!

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