“Hat” | #36 – January 31, 2025


Fri JAN 31, 2025

I was in a store awhile back, and had this happen to me, haha. Do you find whenever you only want to browse and don’t wish to be approached, everyone seems to ask if you need help? Conversely, the times you do need help, do you often find it impossible to find anyone who seems free?

I’m nearly certain it’s some type of perception bias, but after the latter happened to me one time, my partner mentioned that he thought the culprit could be my hat. I was skeptical, but the next time I tried to visit this store, I tried taking off my hat before entering. I was approached almost immediately by an extremely helpful individual, who I was very grateful for her expertise. While I cannot say this was 100% due to taking off the hat, I found it internally amusing, haha.

Longer version of this story + original paper sketch + WIP’s of this page in the full post below:

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“Sleep Tossing” | #34 – January 13, 2025

Duskbirds #34, "Sleep Tossing"


MON JAN 13th, 2025

I’m one of those people who has always needed to stretch into all sorts of sprawling positions to become comfortable enough to fall asleep. My partner is the opposite – he can slip into bed, lay on his back, unmoving, and fall asleep that way – which is such a foreign concept to me, haha. I would never be able to fall asleep if I couldn’t move!

I finished this at the start of this week (hence the date above), but just had a chance to post it today.