“Pourover” | #16 – May 25, 2023


Thursday May 25th, 2023

I started sketching this around when I first started becoming more interested in brewing coffee at home. Which, like many, was during the 2020 pandemic – and also, like many, was largely facilitated by the wonderfully charismatic coffee YouTuber, James Hoffman. Without intending it to, manually brewing a pourover soon became my morning routine – one I continue enjoying to this day!

This comic is also the first one I’m posting that was edited using Krita, a free & open-source painting program I’ve been trying out! I’m really enjoying it so far.

More coffee rambling in the full post below:

I have a soft spot for this comic, because much of the gear I have slowly upgraded over the years, either to improve results, or because things began breaking! I remember the water kettle broke, and the Hario hand grinder that I still love & served me so well also began to slowly malfunction (the lever started coming apart while grinding).

It’s still one of my favorite designs for a coffee grinder – the little pull-out drawer is too cute! I still have it displayed in our kitchen, even though it has since finally & recently been upgraded to a decent hand grinder. In retrospect, I’m surprised I went as long as I did using the Hario grinder. The first time I used a decent one, I was amazed both at the speed, ease of use, and (of course) improved quality the grind had in the taste of our pours.

I like to think, however, that brewing with what might be considered substandard gear for so long, has really made me appreciate when we finally began upgrading our setup. It’s such a joy every morning, and how much more enjoyable it is now compared to the years using the more difficult equipment only adds to the increased satisfaction I have from it every day!

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