

Tue Jul 30th, 2024

Idle thought from the other day I managed to pen down. The alternative title I was playing with was “Starcatcher,” which is fitting for Elsium. Let me know if you like one over the other!

Hello again! It’s been a while since the previous page. I’ve been playing around with non-Duskbirds comic pages during this time I haven’t been updating Duskbirds. I haven’t shown any publicly yet, but it’s been unexpectedly satisfying to see characters I usually do illustrations of in a different medium through comics. I hope to bring one or two projects to a presentable state in the near future!

Duskbirds will also continue as time and ideas allow. : )

This is one of the comics I initially drafted in my physical sketchbook. I tried posting the thumbnails up on Patreon along with some of my thought process (also available on Ko-fi), – but the thumbs for this page will be patron/member-exclusive, because frankly I often find my early dialogue drafts rather embarrassing, haha.

“Click-through Rate”


Mon May 20th, 2024

Currently enjoying listening to the audiobook for Outrage Machine by Tobias Rose-Stockwell, where this passage struck out at me. I was surprised by the findings mentioned in the comic – I wouldn’t have predicted that. It sort of explains why many of my favorite online artists, especially those who try and focus on “only the art,” sadly tend to have a lower presence (though, there are always exceptions). Which was the inspiration for the final panel, haha.

In the future, I hope there will be an easier way for people and artists who prefer positive online environments to find each other – or, at least, that marketing execs/employees will not intentionally exploit this odd vulnerability of human behavioral psychology (which is one of the topics the book delves into).